De La Haye... just a baws bass kitty spreading love & basslines

New Zealand born and raised Kimi Aroha De La Haye aka De La Haye, has been one of the most hardworking and energetic members of the Brisbane bass scene, since moving to Australia in 2001. With track selection, mixing, and a smile that sets any dancefloor ablaze, De La Haye is a regularly booked DJ, not to mention one of the scene's leading promoters. Before discovering jungle in ’96, Kimi's early musical influences ranged from soul, funk, reggae and hiphop, to rock, punk and metal. Perhaps in this, we find the blueprint for her versatility. Whether its dub or ragga vibes, driving techstep darkness, complex drum choppage, or rolling liquid sounds, De La Haye's drum’n’bass sets offer something for all tastes.

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Static and dynamic content editing

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How to customize formatting for each rich text

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